Online Guard Card Classes

If you don’t have your Guard Card yet, you can find out what it takes to get one and get answers to common questions here:

Every class offered by Absolute Tactical Training Online is BSIS approved. You can rest assured that you’ll get quality courses that meet or exceed the State’s requirements for Guard Card training.

The table below outlines the BSIS Guard Card training requirements and how they relate to our course bundles so you can choose the one that’s right for you…

February 10, 2021 8:43 pm / 2 Modules
8 Hour BSIS Guard Card Training – Power to Arrest Class – Weapons of Mass Destruction Class
  • attsiteadmin
  • 15 Students
  • -
id: 4403
Total lessons: 47
Total quizzes: 2
You are not Enrolled on this course

California Guard Card

8 Hour BSIS Guard Card Training – Power to Arrest Class – Weapons of Mass Destruction Class